First Confidence Interval Applet How it works: |
<param name=n value="100" > - The number of units per sample.
<param name=mean value="300" > - The number of units per samplemean of the population
<param name=sigma value="80" > - The standard deviation of thepopulation
<param name=halfwidth value="13" > - The halfwidth of the confidence intervals
<param name=report value="false" > - If this value is "true", a slider is given for changing the confidence level, and a button is provided for animation. See the applet below
<param name=xllim value="260" > - The lower limit on the X axis.
<param name=xulim value="340" > - The upper limit on the X axis.
First Confidence Interval Applet- option 2 How it works: |
Second Confidence Interval Applet - option 1
How it works:
<param name=n value="100" > - The number of units per sample.
Third Confidence Interval Applet - option 1
How it works:
<param name=option value="false" > - If this value is "true", the order of the confidence level and standard deviation settings are reversed. See below.
Third Confidence Interval Applet - option 2
How it works:
4th Confidence Interval Applet
How it works: z multiplier is changed.
<param name=zmultiplier value="true"> - If this value is "true", the z-muliplier is displayed. If it is "false", the confidenc level is displayed.
4th Confidence Interval Applet
How it works: confidence level is changed.
Not currently used anywhere! Similar to the above applet
<param name=mean value="300" > - The number of units per samplemean of the population
<param name=sigma value="80" > - The standard deviation of thepopulation
<param name=halfwidth value="13" > - The halfwidth of the confidence intervals
<param name=report value="false" > - If this value is "true", a slider is given for changing the confidence level, and a button is provided for animation. Also, a table of captures is given.
<param name=xllim value="260" > - The lower limit on the X axis.
<param name=xulim value="340" > - The upper limit on the X axis.